Melaleuca gibbosa - Honey short hill, slender honey myrtle, slim honey myrtle, small leaf paperbark Seeds

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Botanical nomenclature: gibbosa melaleuca
Common name: honey short hill, slender honey myrtle, slim honey myrtle, small leaf paperbark, mirtilo honey, honey myrtle
Family: myrtaceae
Origin: australia
Height: 2.00 – 3.00 meter
Luminosity: full sun, partial shading
Climate: see description below


Gibbosa melaleuca is a gentle and attractive bushing that rarely exceeds two meters height.

The species are found in wild state along the australia south coast, kangaroo island, victoria, tasmania and flinders island. It is found in marshy areas and often on limestone.

The blue green colorful leaves are tiny and aromatic when crushed, they are carefully distributed over their slight and arched branches. Flowers as bottle brushes are coloring malva to purple and provide an amazing spectacular during the year and more deadly in spring and summer.

M. Gibbosa’s bark is gray and hard. Flowers occur in up to 10 pairs per cob and have numerous are. Bottle fruits are woody and are built in the caule. Seeds are keeped in fruit capsules.

The flowers are rich in nectar, and maybe by their coloring, they also receive as a common name.

This plant is adaptable and easily cultivated in most soil in tempered areas and moderate to high precipitation.

Gibbosa melaleuca is a low maintenance ornamental bush, can be planted on high-moisture soil, a flame for birds, kisses and bees and does not require frequent fertilization. Very attractive when planted near riachos, lakes, audes and water mirrors.

The flower stales can be removed by promoting beautiful indoor arrangements.

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