Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum - Dwarf palm of madagascar Seeds

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Botanical nomenclature: Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum
Common name: dwarf palm of madagascar
Family: apocynaceae
From: madagascar
Height: 1.00 – 1.50 meter
Brightness: full sun
Growth rate: medium


Pachypodium lamerei ramosum is a variety of multiple stems and habit of dwarf growth.

Beautiful white flowers and very fragrant during spring and summer.

Watering should be done regularly during the hottest months of the year and during the winter practically suspended, very little watering, only when the substrate is completely dry.

Seeds germinate easily, usually between 15 and 30 days; provided that provided the ideal conditions of temperature and humidity. Ideal temperature for germination of the species rotates around 25 to 30º c.

Extremely exotic and a rare acquisition for planting in rocky gardens and soils that promote excellent drainage, or as a prominent specimen for potting.

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